The Property Unit Review (PUR) or Audit is an in-depth evaluation and analysis of all existing policies and practices compared to professional property room standards Best Business Practices and Professional Standards such as, IAPE (International Association for Property and Evidence, IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police, CALEA (The Commission on Accreditation for Law-Enforcement, Inc., and Californias POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training).
Components of Property Room Review PUR
Department Policy Review - consists of a complete review of all orders, manuals and documents related to the every day operation handling of property and evidence from submission to disposition.
Procedure and Facility Review provides an examination of each of the following area to determine if they meet acceptable best practices. The report includes a full narrative describing the identified deficiencies along with photographic support and illustrations for future use. Along with corrective measures and options the report provides a step-by-step plan for correction along examples on how to correct using recommended forms and policy suggestion, emphasizing those areas that have the greatest potential for causing civil liability and/ or embarrassment to the department.
Provides an in-depth analysis of a number of opened and closed criminal cases, with special emphasis on narcotics, robbery, and assault cases. The emphasis on these type of cases is to focus on case in which narcotics, firearms, currency or other valuable evidence was seized.
These are items that routinely are involved when the property function that makes the headlines with internal investigations, terminations, and criminal prosecutions. The examination is generally (30) thirty cases. The Case Audit often results in a survey of over one hundred and fifty to one hundred seventy-five items, as each of those types of cases frequently involves multiple items being booked.
Provides an summary that gives a subjective analysis of the current system and outlines any of those areas that are not meeting Professional Standards or Best Practice. The Executive Summary provides the leadership of the organization a snap-shot in time of those areas that have potential for embarrassing a department or have potential for causing civil litigation or losing a criminal case.
Includes photographic support of significant issues, documents current conditions and applicable mandates, and provides numerous options and recommendations that ensure the department is in compliance with professional standards. The Property Unit Review (PUR) also provides a plan for correcting deficiencies and maximizing both credibility and efficiency.
The Final Report is typically 250 pages or narrative and exhibits with finding and recommendations along with example forms and documents.