The Property Room Assessment (PUA) is an abbreviated evaluation and analysis of all procedures and practices compared to professional property room standards Best Business Practices and Professional Standards such as, IAPE (International Association for Property and Evidence, IACP (International Association of Chief’s of Police, CALEA (The Commission on Accreditation for Law-Enforcement, Inc., and California’s POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training). Each Property Unit Review (PUR) consists of 3 components:
Components of Property Room Review PUA
Procedure and Facility Assessment
The Procedure and Facility Assessment Identifies issues, weaknesses and concerns for a department without all the possible options and in-depth corrective measures that are included with the Property Unit Review (PUR). The assessment only identifies issues for a department, and only makes abbreviated comments on how to correct any deficient areas found. The PUA is in a matrix format that consists of less narrative evaluation and critique, and more “check-off” assessment and abbreviated corrective comments. The assessment compares the existing condition in each of the areas listed below against the recommended standards and guidelines.
Included in the areas reviewed are the following:
Case Item - Audit
Case Item – Audit (PUA) provides an in-depth analysis of a number of open and closed criminal cases, with special emphasis on narcotics, robbery, and assault cases. The emphasis is to focus on cases in which narcotics, firearms, currency or other valuable evidence was seized.
These are areas that routinely are involved when the property function that makes the headlines with internal investigations, terminations, and criminal prosecutions. The examination is generally (15) fifteen cases. The Case Audit often results in a survey of over a fifty to seventy-five items, as each of those types of cases frequently involves multiple items being booked.
The Case Item – Audit (PUA) will commence with a random selection from the aforementioned types of cases, either from the property records or the original crime reports. The property documentation and other associated records for each case would then be reviewed for the following details:
Executive Summary
Executive Summary - (PUA) provides an Executive Summary that gives a subjective analysis of the current system and recommended action items from the Case Audit and the, Procedure and Facility Review.
New Chief Executives may find this the perfect evaluation tool to assist them in determining the status of the evidence unit as they prepare for their new leadership of the department.